The School Of Worship was conceived in response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, starting as an individual-by-individual, school-by-school, university-by-university and church-by-church outreach, which crystalized into an annual gathering of worship ministers called The Worship Ministers’ Summit; a one day school of worship. At that point the Lord made it clear that a standing School Of Worship was long overdue.


It is the intent of the School Of Worship (SOW) to transition the body of Christ from the place where worship leaders learn on the pulpit, to a place where both prospective and serving worship ministers can obtain focused Biblical Teaching, professional Training and hands-on Mentorship, so as to be equipped for the work of ministry.


Through the School Of Worship (SOW) we believe to see the emergence of more effective, mature, stable, skillful and sociable worship ministers, who are more spiritually aware of their call and place in ministry.

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